Atkinson Carpet is dedicated to running a sustainable operation by taking measures to reduce our organization's carbon footprint. 

In 2018, we proudly diverted 533,880 pounds of carpet from landfills. We did this using a combination of sending used carpet tiles back to manufacturers so they could recycle them into new materials, selling used carpet tiles, as well as utilizing a trash-to-energy recycling program.

We carefully select manufacturers to partner with, based not only on the quality of their products, but also for their commitment to sustainability and the environment. For example, some manufacturers offer Red List Free products, thereby eliminating harmful toxins from entering client’s spaces. Other manufacturers are working to help implement new legislation to reduce the carbon footprint of the materials that are used in the flooring industry.

Sustainability practices that Atkinson Carpet implements on a weekly basis:

  1. Encouraging our clients to use environmentally friendly materials like Red List Free materials, products that are third party certified Green Label Plus, NSP 140, and NSF 332, to name a few, as well as products that pass the Harvard Healthy Initiative program.

  2. Encouraging our clients to use products that are made in the USA.

  3. Using low-VOC adhesives and floor preparation materials, and using non-glue adhesives methods for installing materials when applicable. 

  4. No used materials go into landfills.

  5. Requesting that manufacturers ship our orders in large, bin boxes, as opposed to individual boxes - thereby drastically reducing cardboard waste.

  6. Our corporate office uses energy efficient lighting and appliances, recycled office supplies, and green cleaning products.

  7. Each year we add new vehicles to our fleet that are Certified Clean Ideal. Our employees also carpool to job sites.